oh no he didn't!! some of you might say?? Yes, I know... its a bit of a change but I've had a little while to do some experimenting and try something new. By no means am I switching to paint this way but as some of you may know, I am starting to venture into doing my own comic book. I want to be able to handle coloring in my own pieces. It's something I have been meaning to do for quite a while now, and i am finished talking about it so now I am and DOING it! Its taking me a little while to get something together since I am not a writer, and I tend over analyze everything I do about a hundred times over. So, please bear with me and I will have something solid for you and the rest of the world this summer. (in time for Comic Con!!!!)

{Please note} This piece is totally experimental, being my 1st attempt. (please forgive me)haha I just finished it today, but I wanted to share it on here first. i saved it for the web so it is a bit pixelated. many more soon to come...
Looks REALLY good. Great job on the highlights of the shirt and pants. Definitely adds the 3d affect that a single color wouldn't.
What tools are you using?(program?waicom?)
thanks mike just using photoshop with an old wacom tablet i have. i actually need to upgraded both haha.
I look forward to reading your comic!
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