Hey everyone! It has been quite a while since I've posted on here, and i must admit that I do miss writing on here. I opened up a tumblr account and have fallen to the madness of instagram. It s so much quicker to just post dumb pictures on there( I apologize to the non iphone users who follow my work. forgive me for the neglect.) I usually am a man of few words, so it takes a lot to write on this jumbled mess i call a blog. I haven't rambled on here for quite some time, so I hope you enjoy and continue reading THANK YOU, by the way, for the overwhelming amount of support of my last book, Drifters 2. (I am getting close to being out of the few copies I have left.) now on to the updates..
I've been keeping myself quite busy these last few months with work and side projects of the sort. I have a couple great shows, im involved in, within the next couple months. so keep a look out for them and I hope to see some of you there.
Recently I have ventured onto another self motivated project, titled... Reflections. It started with a series of symmetrical drawings to pass the time (seen on my instagram and facebook), but they quickly turned into a new book idea. I had a lot of fun with this project, trying to make each drawing different from the last. The majority of the book is skull based but I threw in a few hanya masks to keep it interesting. I've always been quite a fan of drawing skulls, so this definitely fueled the idea behind the book. The artwork is quite a turn away from what i draw "normally", but where would I be without experimentation? This last year I have been trying to push past my comfort level and make something more of my tattoo work, and this is part of the direction i am taking it in. so bare with me. I am pretty proud of the outcome and will continue in this fashion of tattoo work. they will be going on sale tomorrow afternoon here and on my store.
here are a few teaser pictures of the book. more info tomorrow!!!