Hey check out an interview i did over at the colorinkbook website!! I just recently was approached by them for an interview and i also did a bunch of drawings for one of their issues so keep a look out! I'll post it again when i see them out. thanks guys!
I'm posting a few of the drawings on my etsy store soon. here's a preview...
I had a blast in Frisco this weekend. here's some pics of the trip. went up to sacramento for the sac con on sunday,but stayed up north all weekend. i had a table there next to my friend ken, and saw some pretty interesting stuff. over all it was a lot of fun, but just makes me want to be at comic con already.
i will be posting more stuff on here and my etsy store soon..
heres a piece for a show im in over at black maria gallery this weekend.
unfortunately i wont be able to make it because im going to up north is Sacramento for sac con. if you can come join me and my good friend ken garduno on sunday, its goin to be a great time! heres the link for the show. http://www.sacramentocomics.com/html/index2.html