alright. i finally got my website to work. sort of. i still have plenty of kinks to work out right now, namely centering the page. but i needed to get the new work on there. its been over a year now. jeez time goes by quick. got a few shows lined up in the next few months so keep a look out for new work. thanks all for reading and the support.
Early September i traveled to new york for the first time. simply amazing. i went to go sight see, eat a lot of great food, and took way too many pictures of amazing buildings. i hope next time to return with more business endeavors in mind. i didn't do too much drawing while i was there, but i caught up on some much needed reading and relaxing.
This last weekend (Nov 1st and 2nd) i visited San Francisco for the second time for the Alternative Press Expo. i shared a booth up there with my good friend Ken Garduno. Besides it raining like cats and dogs it was a great weekend. i unfortunately forgot my camera back at work so i missed out on some great picture opportunities. i was glad though that we were able to put together another mini book for a.p.e. it is part two of bargain bin comics. it contains work from Eric Davison, Travis jackson, Ken Garduno, Matt Espatman, and myself. here are a few of the images from the book.
we made 50 of them and they are going for 5 dollars. if you would like to purchase one let me know. i do orders through paypal.
so i have some reeeeeeally Great news everyone. This last week i was featured in the latest issue of HI FRUCTOSE magazine!! Im really stoked about this, being a reader of this mag for quite a while now. its been hard holding my tongue about this.( dont know if i should have actually ) but i wanted to wait and surprise you. haha. its a quarterly mag so it should be on the news stands for a few months. i also tried to have my new website up before the article came out cuz it is a few years over due but i am having more problems then i thought working with the new dreamweaver. for now just keep checking here, the flickr page, or my myspace for new work until i get a little help getting that to work.
i did a piece for a show in the beginning of the month for gallery 1988 and finally got a image of it off the web for you to see. it was pretty tricky coming up with this piece cuz i had to work my way around pre existing images on the original cover. i was pretty happy with the outcome.
the website is nearing completion. i finally settled on a layout i could live with for a bit longer, and im just piecing everything together now. im working on quite a few projects right now for a bunch of group shows and when they role around i willl be putting more up here until the website is done.
i did these images for a overseas company a while back. i guess they didn't use them, but i really liked some of what i did. here they are for you to see.
so i did a skateboard for my friends at ISM and they were so kind to take a picture of it . yay! i don't have to really piece my 7 scans together for you! haha. here is the pic and below is a link to the site where you can bid for the next 22 days on this wonderful board of mind, as well as over hundred more different artist's boards.check them out there are some real great ones!
The pomona tattoo convention was a blast.did a lot of tattooing and sold almost all my sketchbooks. i was also lucky enough to tattoo one of my characters on someone. i cant wait to get a few more of these in the portfolio.
Comic com was even more amazing.i will be posting pics of some paintings i did for the con. also.... a few pics of a new zine we put together last minute. WHAT?!!! This month has been a whirlwind and im kind of sad that its coming to an end. im working on a bunch of pieces for the hive gallery this weekend and, i will be posting the images on my flicker right after then.
i got a great picture off of the subtext website, of the yoka panda i painted for them.
the first weekend in august i have a featured spot at the hive gallery in downtown los angeles. im going to be selling alot of smaller pieces to try and sell there. on the flyer is a couple new ones. come on out it should be a great show. below is the front and back of the flyer.
Two weeks to go till comicon and im wayyyy behind still. I got a couple conventions this month. Working at the Pomona tattoo convention and i will be having a new sketchbook of a bunch of tattoo related drawings and doodles on sale. i will have more info on that soon. The week after that i will be at the sandiego comicon. There i will be selling a new zine i am taking part in with a few good friends. hit me up of you are going to be there and ill let you know where we will be at.
here is a flyer of a show i will be in that same weekend in sandiego. hope you can make it to this also!
This next month I'm part of a show in Connecticut at the Guilford Art Center. I was pretty excited to asked to do this show since it is a show about comic book characters. I chose a couple of my classic favorite ones to draw, and also threw in a character that has intrigued me for a while. I still don't know much about her but seeing her around more and more i thought it would be fun to do a little piece on her. I wanted to be a little ambitious with this show since who knows when ill get another chance to this again. i still would've liked to do a Hellboy piece...we'll see. enjoy.
Its been a while and I've been doing some experimenting. here is a small preview of some of the new work you will be seeing this summer from me. more to come...
yesterday i had the pleasure of tattooing one of my paintings on a good Friend of mine. i done get much of a calling for these but it was fun trying to emulate my painting style with the way i tattoo. i cant wait to do more...
in other news.. i will be posting a lot more of my tattoos on my myspace in a few weeks. Ive been super busy with a lot of great shows coming up i will have a TON of new work put up this month and next. july also is a month full of conventions. so i will be tied up till then. its going to be a fun couple months.
One night at 3 in the morning i scanned in my piece for the creep machine show in san francisco. The next day after i had packaged and shipped the piece, i went to photoshop the two scanned images together. To my surprise, only one side was fully scanned, and i was left with 3/4 of my painting scanned. Sooooo i jacked this picture off of the creep machine website. The show looks great and i hope it does well. If you are in San Francisco tonight check it out. thanks.
First off i wanted to thank everyone who came out to ken and my show at the project gallery on march 29th. We had a great turn out and I sold a few pieces, Good times... good times. A few days after I heard about a design blog writing a post about some of my newer work from the show, so i checked it out, and was very pleased. You can see it here on the Art MoCo website. I was also pleased to hear that the piece i did for the Hollywood apocalypse show the black maria gallery sold. It was my first showing with them, so i am stoked. I have a show in san francisco on the 18th, bummed i cant take a trip up there. im sure its going to be a great show.
hey everyone. i had a great time the other night at both the project gallery and black maria gallery. thanks to all who showed up for support. ive realized not everyone has a myspace these days and i have been putting a lot of my newer work on instead of updating either my website or this blog. sooooo i just made a new flickr account where everyone can go and check out my work so much easier. here is the link
in a couple weeks i am going to be involved in a art show held at black iris tattoo studio, in fontana. included in the line up are a quite a few great tattoo artists, and i am excited to be showing with them. hope you can make the trek and have a few drinks with me. oh yes... i actually did a color piece for this show. haven't done a whole color piece in a while and had a lot of fun doing it. maybe we'll see more. maybe.
currently i am working on a ton of new paintings for a plethora of new shows coming up. i am super excited for a show this next month with my best friend ken garduno. come and check it out !! when i get flyers for the other shows i will post those as well.
a few days ago i was lucky enough to be involved in a live painting session with some very talented artists. although i am not a acrylic painter anymore it was still tons of fun to brush my paints off and try again. haha... of course i painted worse then i ever imagined, but never the less it was a great time. i wanted to thank the guys at project gallery for inviting me to be a part of this. i also have a print for sale there now as well if you are interested in purchasing one. its of one of my older pieces. you can get them there at atmosphere on vermont, over in los feliz. go check these guys out....Yoskay Yamamoto, Nate Frizzell, Ken Garduno, Tessar Lo and Derek Albeck. great people, great art.